Thursday, 31 March 2016

Facts About Donkeys

Donkeys, also called burros and asses, are found throughout the world. They look a lot like their cousins, but have long, floppy ears and tend to be stockier than horses or zebras.

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Zika Revealed: Here’s What a Brain-Cell-Killing Virus Looks Like

Researchers looked at the Zika virus under a resolution of a few angstroms (a ten-billionth of a meter). Here’s what they saw.

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Mom’s Smoking Can Alter Fetus’s DNA

Before reaching for a cigarette, consider your baby’s genes.

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How High Will the Seas Rise, Really?

A recent high-profile study led by US climatologist James Hansen has warned that sea levels could rise by several meters by the end of this century. How realistic is this scenario?

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Photos: More than 40 Tombs Discovered in Upper Egypt

Tens of family tombs have been discovered dating to the 18th and 18th Dynasty at Gebel el Silsila in Upper Egypt. Check out these images of the ancient Egyptian tombs and a shrine.

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42 Tombs and a Shrine Discovered in Egypt

Forty-two rock-cut tombs and a shrine decorated with a winged sun disc have been found along the banks of the Nile River in Egypt.

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Morgan Freeman Delves into ‘The Story of God’ in Nat Geo Special

People curious about the history, culture and beliefs surrounding the world’s major religions can take a whirlwind tour of all of the above in a new TV miniseries called “The Story of God with Morgan Freeman.”

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10-Million-Year-Old Snake Revealed in Living Color

A fossilized snake that lived 10 million years ago retained cell structures that revealed to scientists the colors that would have dappled its skin while the animal was alive.

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It’s a Girl! Ancient Viral Genes May Determine a Baby’s Sex

The sex of mouse babies, and perhaps the sex of human babies, may be influenced by a ancient viral genes, a new study finds.

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Mystery of Mile-High Mounds on Mars Solved

Mysterious mile-high mounds on Mars evolved from layer-cake craters, but for four decades, scientists have puzzled over how. By mimicking Martian winds in the lab, scientists think they have solved the mystery.

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Purple Digging Frog Undergoes Amazing Transformation

Bizarre purple frogs found only in India undergo a dramatic change to adopt an underground lifestyle. For instance, they develop strong digging arms and a wedge-shaped skull for burrowing.

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How Do Water Towers Work?

It’s no surprise that water towers store water, but it’s less well known that they also store energy.

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Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Weird, Oozing Super-Earth Planet Has Hot Nights, Even Hotter Days

The first super-Earth planet to get its photo taken may be super-weird and super-hot, and perhaps have super-runny lava in spots on its surface, researchers say.

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What Are Protists?

Protists are generally microscopic organisms — most with a single cell — that are not bacteria, animals, plants or fungi.

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Tribeca Film Debate: Why the Anti-Vaxxers Just Won’t Quit

The anti-vaccination movement regained attention due to actor Robert De Niro’s decision late last week to pull the film “Vaxxed” from the Tribeca Film Festival, which he runs. But that doesn’t mean the movement will fade away anytime soon, experts say.

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5 Ways Science Could Make Football Safer

Concussions can have long-term effects. Here are 5 ways that the game of football could have fewer of them.

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‘Abortion Pill’ Gets New Label: 5 Things to Know About Mifepristone

The Food and Drug Administration has approved changes to the label for mifepristone, also known as “the abortion pill.” Here are the facts about the drug.

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Relic of Beheaded Medieval Swedish King Might Be Authentic

A new analysis of skeletal remains thought to belong to Erik Jedvardsson, a medieval Swedish king turned saint, may be authentic, and the bones could reveal more information about the saint’s healthy life and gruesome death.

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Did Hobbits Live Alongside Modern Humans?

The extinct human lineage nicknamed “the hobbit” for its miniature body may have vanished soon before or soon after modern humans arrived on the hobbits’ island home, rather than living alongside modern humans for thousands of years as was thought.

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Marijuana Addiction Linked to Genetics

A new study finds a link between three genetic markers and symptoms of marijuana dependence.

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Scientists Hijack Bugs, Turn Them into Cyborgs

By implanting electrodes into the muscles of beetles, scientists can now precisely control how cyborg insects walk — an ability that may help these bugs carry out complicated tasks, researchers said in a new study.

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It Walks! Scientists Turn Beetle Into ‘Cyborg’ | Video

For decades, robotics engineers have been trying to imitate insects. Now, scientists have gone about miniature mobility a new way: Electrodes implanted into this beetle’s muscles let researchers ‘drive’ the bug.

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Jupiter Just Got Hit by a Comet or Asteroid … Again (Video)

Take that, Jupiter! The largest planet in the solar system just got whacked by an asteroid or a comet, and some intrepid stargazers have captured the planet’s latest collision on camera.

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Headless Bard? Shakespeare’s Skull Pilfered by Grave Robbers

William Shakespeare — arguably the greatest playwright of all time — is missing his head, scientists have discovered.

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Photos: 305-Million-Year-Old Arachnid Trapped in Rock

Here’s a look at CT scans of a 305-million-year-old arachnid discovered encased in rock in France. The little creature was not quite a spider. This arachnid lived alongside true spiders, but did not have the silk-spinning spinnerets.

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305-Million-Year-Old ‘Almost Spider’ Unlocks Arachnid History

A new fossil isn’t quite a spider, but it’s close. Dubbed Idmonarachne brasieri after the Greek mythological figure Idmon, father of Arachne, a weaver turned into a spider by a jealous goddess, the “almost spider” lacks silk-weaving spinnerets.

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Nike Unveils ‘Back to the Future’-Style Self-Lacing Sneakers

Fans of the “Back to the Future” film franchise have likely been counting the days until time machines and hoverboards are a reality, but at least one of Marty McFly’s futuristic gadgets — self-lacing sneakers — could soon spruce up your wardrobe.

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Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Facts About Adders

Most adders are vipers, but the term also refers to several different types of snakes.

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Zika Misperceptions: Many in US Unaware of Key Facts

Is there a vaccine against Zika? And how does it spread? Many in the U.S. don’t know, a new poll finds.

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Jupiter Collision! Impact Burst Captured By Amateur Astronomer | Video

John Mckeon captured an impact on the gas giant on March 17th, 2016 (00:18:45 UT). The video was snapped using an an 11″ SCT with an ASI120mm camera and Ir-pass 742nm filter. It was most likely an asteroid or comet colliding with Jupiter.

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‘Unicorns’ Lumbered Across Siberia 29,000 Years Ago

Large, four-legged beasts, each with a single horn growing from its head, once ambled across the southern part of western Siberia, in what is now Kazakhstan.

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Trace Your Ancient Human Ancestry with New Map

The map reveals how extensively past interbreeding has affected people alive today.

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Experts Doubt Claims of ‘Hidden Chambers’ in King Tut’s Tomb

This month, the Egyptian antiquities released radar images they said were evidence of hidden chambers within King Tut’s tomb that may hide Queen Nefertiti. Now outside experts cast doubt on the claims and are calling for more data to be released.

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Giant Mammoth Skull Discovered by Bulldozer Operator

A bulldozer operator at a sand pit in northwestern Oklahoma got quite a surprise this month when he spotted a huge skull that belonged to a Columbian mammoth. The beast would have lived on the Plains there more than 11,000 years ago.

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Hepatitis C Deaths Rising in US

Deaths from hepatitis C are increasing n the U.S., and the increase is hitting particularly hard among middle-age people, a new study says.

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Massive Robotic Sub Can Carry Out Months-Long Underwater Missions

A new unmanned robotic submersible designed by aerospace giant Boeing can operate autonomously underwater for months at a time, according to company representatives.

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Bugs for Everyone! Awesome Insect Photos Shared in Free Project

A photo initiative is building a collection of high-resolution insect and spider images and placing them online for anyone to download and use for free.

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Gallery: ‘Insects Unlocked’ Collection Shares Free Bug Photos

Insects and spiders are ready for their closeups, in a photo collection of images that anyone can download and use for free.

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Right or Wrong? How You Judge Others Depends on Your Culture

If someone were to walk off with your shopping bag in a crowded marketplace, would you judge the petty thief less harshly if he or she grabbed your bag by mistake? The answer to that question may depend on your culture, finds a new study.

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Monday, 28 March 2016

Oklahoma Is Now an Earthquake Hotspot, New Map Shows

Man-made activities are putting Oklahoma and some of its neighboring states in danger of having an earthquake of California-size proportions, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) reports.

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Old Vaccine, New Tricks: Revive Early Pertussis Shot, Study Says

Newer isn’t always better — some researchers are proposing to bring back an older version of the whooping cough vaccine, because multiple studies show that today’s version doesn’t protect as well as the earlier kind.

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Writing Sci-Fi? First Understand How Elephants Aren’t Dragonflies (Op-Ed)

What’s the secret to writing science fiction? Get a sense of scale.

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‘The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories’ (US 2016): Book Excerpt

From scifi author Ken Liu, the short story “The Bookmaking Habits of Select Species.”

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This Negative Facial Expression Is ‘Universal’

A combination of anger, disgust and contempt — dubbed the “not face” — is universal across cultures.

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Needle Stuck in Woman’s Heart Gives Her a Stroke

A woman suffered a stroke because of a needle that was lodged in the wall of her heart, according to a new report of her unusual case.

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Squishy Robot Fingers Will Grasp Sea Life Carefully | Video

Marine biologist David Gruber and robot-maker Robert Wood are building soft tele-operated grippers for handling delicate animal samples collected by deep-diving remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs).

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Scientists Make Perfect Ice Storms To Protect Forests | Video

The northeast U.S. can expect more dangerous ice storms in future winters. Researchers produce tree-damaging conditions to learn how to protect plants and the animals that depend upon them for food and shelter.

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Photos: Ancient Supereruptions in Idaho’s Snake River Plain

Yellowstone’s supervolcano was predated by 12 massive eruptions in Idaho’s Snake River Plain.

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Women Could Lower Fracture Risk with Mediterranean Diet

Skipping dairy doesn’t raise your risk of hip fractures, a new study finds.

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12 Supereruptions Pockmark Path of Yellowstone Hotspot

Up to 12 massive volcanic blasts occurred between 8 million and 12 million years ago in Idaho’s Snake River Plain, leading up to today’s Yellowstone supervolcano, new research reveals.

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Alaska Volcano Erupts, Spewing Ash 20,000 Feet into the Air

A snow- and ice-covered volcano located in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands erupted on Sunday (March 27), spewing a cloud of ash about 20,000 feet (6,096 meters) into the sky, the Alaska Volcano Observatory reported.

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New Tetraquark Particle Sparks Doubts

The Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator failed to confirm the Tevatron accelerator’s discovery of a new arrangement of quarks.

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Climate Change Is Coming For Your Maple Syrup

Climate change could spell bad news for the maple syrup on your pancakes.

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Aloha, You Old Bat: Extinct Critter Doubles Hawaii’s Land Mammal Species

Hawaii just doubled the number of known land mammal species that are native to the islands, thanks to the discovery of a number of fossils representing a tiny bat.

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How Dirty Are Public Restrooms, Really?

People bring a lot of bacteria into bathrooms, the researchers found. Within an hour of normal use, there were 500,000 bacterial cells per square inch on the bathroom surfaces, on average.

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Sunday, 27 March 2016

Are Simulated Human Hearts As Good As Animal Models? (Op-Ed)

How can we expect technology to improve if a person’s health is at stake?

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North Rim Wonders: Stunning Photos of the Mighty Grand Canyon

It has been said that the North Rim of the Grand Canyon is the “best side” to experience the grandeur and wilderness found in this most southern part of the massive Colorado Plateau.

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New Ultrathin Solar Cells Are Light Enough to Sit on a Soap Bubble

Scientists have created the thinnest, lightest solar power cells yet — so lightweight that they can be draped on top of a soap bubble without popping it.

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Saturday, 26 March 2016

Will End of Orca Breeding Change Much for Captive Animals? (Op-Ed)

When SeaWorld announced it would stop breeding orcas and begin to phase out “theatrical performances” using the animals, the news appeared to mark a significant change in ideas about animals and captivity.

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Arctic Sea Ice Is at Near Record Lows, NASA Says

The ice covering the Arctic is at near record low levels this year, and this ‘icy’ deficit may impact weather around the world, NASA reports.

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Friday, 25 March 2016

Eating More ‘Healthy Fats’ May Lower Diabetes Risk

For people with prediabetes, swapping out some of the meat and cheese in your diet for some vegetable oils or nuts could help prevent diabetes from developing, according to a small new study.

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Sesame Street’s Elmo and Raya Warn Kids About Zika

Two chipper Sesame Street Muppet characters lent their cheerful voices to a serious topic, raising awareness of the Zika virus among children and families.

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Glowing Chemo Drugs Could Better Target Cancers | Video

Researchers devise a glowing blue peptide nanoparticle to light up chemotherapy compounds, tracking where the drugs go and when they are released.

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Sea Ice Is Melting Faster Than Expected, NASA Says | Exclusive Interview

During the winter of 2015-2016 satellites have ‘seen’ significantly less Arctic ice compared to the long term trend. NASA scientist Walt Meier and LiveScience writer Laura Geggel discuss how climate researchers interpret these data.

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Robotic ‘Smart Arm’ Lends Drummer A Musical Hand | Video

Georgia Tech engineers are building an appendage that reacts to human gestures and listens to music to pick up timing and tempo cues. Such tools may someday assist surgeons, factory workers and repair technicians.

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After Zika Infection, People Should Wait Months to Conceive Children, CDC Says

People who have been infected with Zika virus should wait at least several months before they attempt to conceive a child, according to new recommendations from the CDC.

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The World’s 7 Most Interesting Eggs

Some are made of precious gems and have storied pasts while others are preserved with a mix of chemicals to create a delicacy and still others developed into chicks of the planet’s largest bird, eggs are a scrambled bag, each with its own story to tell.

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Expedition Unknown: Saving Marine Mammals Is a Daunting Task (Op-Ed)

To save the whales, and dolphins, one place to start is Tanzania.

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Archaeologists Uncover Another Branch of the Silk Road

New evidence suggests the ancient trade route ventured through the heights of Tibet.

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Easter’s Early Arrival: How the Moon Shapes the Date

This year, if you have not already noticed, Easter is going to arrive rather early: Sunday, March 27. The date of Easter has a curious link to the moon’s phases.

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Rabbit or Hare? Know Your Bunnies This Easter

If a rabbit or a hare were to hop across your path this Easter, would you be able to tell the difference?

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Amazing Blind Cavefish Walks Up Rocks and Waterfalls

Scientists have discovered a blind cave-dwelling fish that ‘walks’ up steep rocks and waterfalls.

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Season of Birth Genetically Linked to Allergy Risk

People born in the fall may have a higher risk of allergies, and now researchers say they have found one reason why.

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Colon Cancer Found in 18th-Century Hungarian Mummy

Tissue samples from a Hungarian mummy have revealed that people in the early 17th and 18th centuries suffered from colon cancer, long before the modern plagues of obesity, physical inactivity and processed food were established as causes of the disease.

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Hybrid Female Fish Is Both Mother and Father to Her Offspring

When a group of researchers crossbred cichlids to learn about their genetics, they discovered an unusual development in one of the hybrid females.

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‘Cousin of Lucy’ Fossils Reveal Human Relative Lived in East Africa

Fossils belonging to an ancient human relative that were discovered on the banks of a Kenyan river suggest that hominids lived farther east than previously thought.

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You’re Surrounded: New Tech Unleashing 3D Audio

Your home theater may surround you in sound, but wait until you hear sound in true three dimensions.

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More Injuries from Bison at Yellowstone: Are Selfies to Blame?

Yellowstone National Park has seen a rise in people getting injured by bison lately, and attempts to take selfies may be to blame for at least some of these injuries, according to a new report.

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Emperor Hadrian’s Villa Yields Posh, Arty Apartment

The building at Hadrian’s Villa was filled with art, including mosaics and wall paintings, and would have served as an apartment for a high-ranking individual, though not part of the second-century Roman emperor’s entourage.

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Photos: Ancient Apartment Built by Roman Emperor

Archaeologists working at a villa built by the Roman Emperor Hadrian (reign A.D. 117-138) have discovered a building filled with art.

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Thursday, 24 March 2016

10 Amazing Animal Facts, Illustrated

Some animal facts are just plain weird.

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With the Right ‘Words,’ Science Can Pull Anyone In (Op-Ed)

Even complex astrophysics is beautiful when seen as a “song of the stars.”

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Pelvic ‘Boogie’ Moves Blind Cavefish | Video

The Cryptotora thamicola uses its pelvis and vertebral column to “support its body weight against gravity” according to New Jersey Institute of Technology research. This gives the fish the ability to walk and climb waterfalls.

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Couples’ Caffeine Use Linked to Higher Risk of Miscarriage

Couples interested in having a baby may want to cut back on caffeinated beverages.

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Heart Attack Patients Are Getting Younger, and Sicker

The most severe type of heart attack has been striking people who are younger, and more obese, a new study finds.

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Can Apple’s ‘Night Shift’ Really Help You Sleep Better?

A new iPhone software feature, called “Night Shift,” automatically adjusts the screen’s display colors after sunset, but can it really help you sleep better?

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Tiny Artificial Life: Lab-Made Bacterium Sports Smallest Genome Yet

A newly created bacterium, with a synthetic genome, can metabolize nutrients and self-replicate, bringing the world a step closer to building custom artificial life with particular functionalities, Craig Venter and his team said.

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Isaac Newton’s Recipe for Magical ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ Rediscovered

One of Isaac Newton’s 17th century alchemy manuscripts will be available in an online repository for those interested in the history of modern chemistry.

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Print Your Hike! 3D Keepsakes Memorialize Mountain Conquests

Hikers who have conquered some of the most challenging trails and want to show off these accomplishments can now memorialize their impressive feats in stunning 3D-printed sculptures made from their GPS tracks.

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Mystery of Long-Lost Navy Tugboat Is Solved

NOAA identified a shipwreck in California waters as a U.S. Navy tugboat that vanished 95 years ago.

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Zika Virus Was in Brazil a Year Before It Was Detected

For about a year, the Zika virus circulated undetected, in infections that may have been mistaken for Dengue or other diseases, researcher shave found.

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In Images: Shipwreck Identified as Naval Boat Missing Since 1921

NOAA scientists found a naval boat that vanished 95 years ago, identifying it as a shipwreck in a marine sanctuary.

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Women with Oral HPV Also Usually Have Vaginal HPV

A new study finds that about three-quarters of women who have an oral HPV infection also have a vaginal HPV infection.

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Porn Website Launches New Virtual Reality Section

Let’s face it: it was probably only a matter of time… One of the largest porn websites has announced a new section that integrates virtual-reality tech into the adult entertainment experience.

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Debris Belongs to Doomed Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, Experts Say

Two pieces of plane debris discovered in Mozambique very likely belong to the doomed Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which went missing two years ago en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, the Australian government announced today.

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How the Moon Moved: Lunar Poles Have Wandered

The moon’s poles have likely shifted over the eons, likely as a result of activity beneath the lunar crust. This finding sheds light on the structure and evolution of the moon, and also provides clues about the long-ago delivery of water to Earth.

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Changing Ocean Chemistry May Threaten Antarctic Food Chain | Video

NSF-funded UCSB researchers have collected long-term evidence that links rising levels of carbon and changes in ocean chemistry in Antarctic waters to the inability of tiny animals, such as sea snails, to build their protective shell.

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NASA: New Mars Gravity Map Is the Best Ever

A new map of Mars’ gravity, which NASA is touting as the best one ever made, will make it easier for future spacecraft to make their way to the Red Planet. The new Martian gravity map also reveals clues into how the planet’s past was shaped.

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Jesus’ Last Supper Menu Revealed in Archaeology Study

What did Jesus and his apostles eat during the Last Supper? New research reveals the likely menu.

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Affordable Hypersonic Jets Could Be High-Flying Reality by 2023

Hypersonic aircraft and weapons that can fly more than five times the speed of sound may seem like a futuristic fantasy, but defense giant Lockheed Martin says it is committed to making these ultrafast innovations a reality.

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WWII-Era Bell from Sunken Japanese Submarine Recovered

A bronze bell from a sunken World War II-era Japanese submarine was recently recovered off the coast of Oahu, in Hawaii.

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Wednesday, 23 March 2016

What Are Triglycerides?

Triglycerides are the most common type of fat in the body. They are necessary for health but in excess amounts, they may be harmful.

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Exercise May Stave Off Cognitive Decline

What’s good for the body may also be good for the brain, a new study finds.

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Live Sumatran Rhino Captured in Indonesia

Humans have made contact with a Sumatran rhino in the Indonesian region of Borneo for the first time in 40 years.

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Photos: The Secret Lives of Borneo’s Mysterious Marbled Cats

Little is known about Borneo’s marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata), so researchers set up camera traps to get a better idea of these felines’ population densities.

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Elusive Marbled Cats Secretly Photographed in Borneo

A secret photo shoot deep in the forests of Malaysian Borneo is helping researchers determine just how many marbled cats — rare, tree-climbing felines — live in the region, according to a new study.

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In Photos: Building the World’s Largest Airship (Airlander 10)

Check out these cool images of the building of the Airlander 10, which will be able to stay airborne for five days when manned. Its helium-filled hull keeps it buoyant while its turbocharged diesel engines let it cruise up to 91 mph.

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World’s Largest Aircraft Readies for Takeoff

The hybrid Airlander 10 is a giant, some 65 feet longer than the Airbus A380, and will be able to soar the friendly skies for five days when manned and up to two weeks when unmanned.

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Sunken Pirate Ship from Explorer Vasco da Gama’s Fleet Discovered

A sunken ship from Vasco da Gama’s fleet has been found off the coast of present-day Oman.

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Is ‘Cat Litter’ Parasite Making You a Rageaholic?

People who are infected with a common parasite found in cat litter may face a higher risk of having uncontrollable bouts of rage.

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Dracula Science: How Long Does It Take for a Vampire to Drain Blood?

A physics study investigates how long a vampire could ‘safely’ sip from a human throat.

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In Photos: Historic Shipwreck from Vasco da Gama’s Fleet

Marine archaeologists say they’ve located the wreck of the nau Esmeralda, a Portuguese ship that was part of explorer Vasco da Gama’s second voyage to India.

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Physicists Unleash AI to Devise Unthinkable Experiments

Researchers trying to divine the bizarre nature of quantum particle behavior are getting some help from software that designs counterintuitive experiments.

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My, What Sharp Teeth! 12 Living and Extinct Saber-Toothed Animals

The saber-toothed cat may be the most famous saber-toothed animal, but it’s hardly the only one. More than a dozen kinds of animals — many of them now extinct — had saber teeth, including the saber-toothed salmon and the marsupial Thylacosmilus.

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Hidden Text in England’s Oldest Printed Bible Revealed

Seventeen years of tumultuous Reformation-Era history are crammed into one 16th-century Bible.

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Photos: Hidden Text Discovered in England’s Oldest Bible

Hidden text has been discovered beneath one of the oldest printed Bibles in England, one of only seven copies that survives from 1535.

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Big Bites: Saber Teeth Compared (Infographic)

Length of canine teeth in various notable “saber-toothed” animals.

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Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Ovarian Cysts: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Ovarian cysts are sacs of fluid that can grow on the ovaries. They are very common and usually are not life threatening. Sometimes, however, they can produce serious problems.

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‘Japanese Diet’ Linked to Longer Life

Move over, Mediterranean diet.

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Microcephaly Could Affect More Than 2,500 Infants in Brazil

More than 2,500 babies could be diagnosed with microcephaly in Brazil if current trends within the Zika-affected country continue, the World Health Organization told reporters today at a news conference in Geneva.

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6 of the World’s Best Cities to Be a Scientific Genius

If you want to be at the center of science, where should you live?

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First Supernova Shock Wave Image Snapped by Planet-Hunting Telescope

For the first time, scientists have seen the shock wave emanating from an exploding star in visible light.

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Holy Drones, Batman! Real-Life ‘Batplane’ Mimics Flexible Wings

When chasing insects for their dinner, bats can perform aerial acrobatics that would shame even the steeliest test pilots. Inspired by how bats pull off such impressive maneuvers, engineers designed new kinds of wing surfaces for drones.

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Trippy! Psychedelic Zebrafish Reveal How Cells Regenerate

In what looks more like a post-impressionist painting than a scientific achievement, a transgenic zebrafish is revealing how hundreds of its cells regenerate in a bouquet of colors.

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#TheInternetNamesAnimals: Do Animals Get the Monikers They Deserve?

Twitter users asked a perfectly reasonable question: What if the “Boaty McBoatface” naming aesthetic were applied to animals?

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Supernova’s Super-Shockwave Seen For The First Time | Video

Billions of times stronger than the biggest hydrogen bomb, the shockwave from the collapse of red supergiant star KSN 2011d touched off a wave of nuclear fusion producing heavy elements like gold, silver and uranium.

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Butchered Bear Pushes Back Human Arrival on Ireland

The slashed kneecap of a bear found deep inside a prehistoric cave suggests human hunters lived in Ireland earlier than had been previously thought, a new study finds.

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The Telltale Heart: Facts About Your Blood Pump (Infographic)

The heart is the vital organ that moves oxygenated blood through your body, making life possible.

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Mindfulness Meditation May Reduce Low Back Pain

Mindfulness meditation may help reduce chronic low back pain and make it easier for patients to carry out daily activities, a new study suggests.

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Moderate Drinking Has No Health Benefits, Large Review of Studies Concludes

A little wine is good for us, right? Not so fast, new research says.

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Birds Use Alligators As Bodyguards

Birds may use alligators as bodyguards to protect their nests from hungry raccoons and opossums, but gator payment may come at a steep cost — namely, in the form of the birds’ chicks that are dropped into the water, researchers say.

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How to Avoid Zika on Spring Break

This spring-break, families and college students will flock to the Caribbean and other sunny locales, including areas where the mosquito-borne Zika virus is spreading. People should take precautions to avoid becoming infected with Zika, doctors say.

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What Really Causes Alzheimer’s? New Idea Points to Germs

A journal article says herpes virus and Lyme disease bacteria are behind the mind-robbing illness, but not all researchers are convinced.

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Ancient Mini Weapons Likely Made to Please Gods

The bronze artifacts, including daggers and battle-axes, were too small and of too -low quality to function as actual weapons, and instead were likely meant as offerings to a deity of war, researchers said.

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New 3D View of Richard III’s Humble Grave Revealed

In honor of the one-year anniversary of the reburial of King Richard III’s remains, the University of Leicester has released a digital 3D model of Richard III’s original grave. Users can explore his battle wounds and other features of the king’s skeleton.

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Monday, 21 March 2016

What Is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality means creating immersive, computer-generated environments that are so convincing users will react the same way they would in real life.

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Incoming Comet to Buzz Earth in Historic Close Flyby

Comet P/2016 BA14 will come within 2.2 million miles (3.5 million kilometers) of the planet at about 10:30 a.m. EDT (1430 GMT) Tuesday. Only two other comets have come closer to Earth throughout recorded history.

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‘Boaty McBoatface’ Controversy: How Ships Get Named

The Natural Environment Research Council is holding an online poll to name a new polar research vessel. The people have spoken — and the name they want is “Boaty McBoatface.”

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Risky Behavior is ‘Contagious’, Study Finds

The influence of those around us can affect decisions we make about risk-taking, according to a new study.

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High Anxiety Risk in Adolescence Linked to One Gene

Anxiety disorders tend to first show up during the teen years, and now researchers say they may have found one reason why.

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Why You Probably Can’t Trust Fitness Tracker Calorie Estimates

A new study finds that fitness trackers can vary widely in their calorie estimates, and tend to underestimate the number of calories burned.

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New Patch Analyzes Sweat to Detect Blood Sugar Levels

A stick-on patch could tracks blood sugar levels and even deliver a drug if they get too high, according to a new study.

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8 Lion-Headed Goddess Statues Found in Egypt

Eight statues of Sekhmet, an Egyptian warrior goddess with a lion’s head, were discovered in the Temple of Amenhotep III near the city of Luxor.

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Pharaoh Ramesses III Killed by Multiple Assailants, Egyptologists Say

Not only was he assassinated by several assailants, but the pharaoh Ramesses III was also given post-mortem cosmetic surgery, according to a study of royal mummies spanning from about 1543 B.C. to 1064 B.C.

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Sunday, 20 March 2016

8 Animals That Show Their Love in Painful Ways

Sex among primates and certain mammals is thought to provide pleasure for the participants. But for many animal species, sex is anything but pleasant.

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Saturday, 19 March 2016

Your “Short Cut” May Be Causing Traffic Jams (Op-Ed)

No wonder you’re always late. Drivers use a route that minimizes travel time on only a third of their trips.

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Mon-Stars! Cluster of Massive Suns Spotted by Hubble Telescope (Photo)

Scientists using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope found dozens of stars within a cluster called R136, each at least 50 times more massive than the sun, and including nine that harbor more than 100 solar masses.

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Male Birth Control: What’s Known, What’s Not Known, What’s Next (Op-Ed)

There are some strange ideas for birth control out there, particularly for men, and some even work.

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Hand Jive: High-Tech Glove Turns Gestures into Music

If you find yourself tapping at your desk, in the train or on a park bench, a new wearable music synthesizer might be just the gadget to help turn those tunes in your head into music you can record.

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Why 2016 Will Have the Earliest Spring Equinox Since 1896

If you’re ready to see blooming flowers and sunny skies, it may help to know that this year’s spring equinox will be the earliest to arrive in 120 years, largely because of an old rule governing leap years, experts said.

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Friday, 18 March 2016

How Long Until Human Faces Can Be Printed in a Lab? (Op-Ed)

Problems with facial transplants come down to the fact that the patient is receiving a face which previously belonged to somebody else. But what if a new face could be constructed from a patient’s own cells?

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Beautiful, Bewitching Pluto Poses in New Images from New Horizons Probe

Another batch of photos from NASA’s New Horizons probe, which flew past Pluto on July 14, 2015, reveals the majesty and mystery of this icy world.

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Guinea No Longer Free of Ebola: 2 New Cases

Two new cases of Ebola have been confirmed in Guinea, the country’s first since it was declared Ebola-free in late December.

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Over 100 Zika Cases Confirmed in US, CDC Says

The number of Zika cases in the United States is on the rise.

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Pay with Your Face? Amazon Tech Brings Security Questions

Online retail giant Amazon may be looking at ways to let you pay for purchases with just a look.

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Alien of the Deep: ‘Winged’ Green-Eyed Creature Stuns Fishermen

Some fish look odd, but a mysterious, green-eyed fish recently pulled out of Nova Scotia’s waters is downright bizarre.

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Exercise May Help Young People with Severe Mental Health Disorders

Young adults who have severe mental health disorders that involve psychosis, or a break with reality, may benefit from exercising, a new, small study suggests.

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NY’s New Zika Plan Will Include ‘Protection Kits’ for Pregnant Women

New York state officials have announced a new plan aimed at preventing the transmission of the mosquito-borne Zika virus or limiting an outbreak if the virus were to arrive in the area.

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How Big Is the Internet, Really?

A billion websites, more than 4 billion Web pages and 2 percent of the Amazon rainforest? Here’s how researchers have tried to estimate the size of the Internet.

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Goths vs. Greeks: Epic Ancient Battle Revealed in Newfound Text

Hidden in the Austrian National Library, fragments of text describe an ancient battle between the Goths, who were part of the Roman Empire, and the Greeks, with all the strategic and violent details.

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‘X-Ray Vision’ T-Shirt Shows Inner Workings of the Human Body

A new Kickstarter project aims to create a virtual-reality T-shirt that gives people an inside peek into the circulatory, skeletal and digestive systems.

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Thursday, 17 March 2016

Tutankhamun: The Life & Death of the Boy Pharaoh

Tutankhamun, popularly known as King Tut, was an Egyptian pharaoh more than 3,000 years ago.

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Drawn to Safety: Doodles Could Secure Your Phone

You might soon be ditching your text passwords and unlocking your phone, apps and accounts with a doodle.

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Marijuana May Help Cancer Patients, But Questions Remain

A new review points to promising research on marijuana as a cancer treatment, but questions remain about the usefulness of the drug for human patients.

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Roaring & Soaring: New Exhibit Explores the Dinosaur-Bird Connection

The asteroid that slammed into Earth 65.5 million years ago killed most, but not all, of the dinosaurs. Those that survived were a feathered lot, and they’re still around today, a new exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in New York reveals.

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DNA from Mysterious ‘Denisovans’ Helped Modern Humans Survive

Genetic mutations from extinct human relatives called the Denisovans might have influenced modern human immune systems, researchers say.

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Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift (Infographic)

In the 20th century, researchers realized that the Earth’s crust is not one piece, but is made up of many huge tectonic plates upon which the continents ride.

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Dark Matter May Be Made Up of Superheavy Particles

Dark matter could be made of particles that each weigh almost as much as a human cell and are nearly dense enough to become miniature black holes, new research suggests.

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Have 2 Chambers Been Discovered in King Tut’s Tomb?

Radar scans of King Tut’s tomb have revealed hidden chambers behind two walls. Some researchers say the remains of his stepmom, Queen Nefertiti, may be lurking there; others urge caution, as the radar anomalies may be “false positives.”

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What Donald Trump as President Would Mean for Science

The Republican frontrunner has given hints about his take on scientific topics; now experts weigh in to say what a Trump presidency might mean for science.

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